3 марта 2016 г.

Announcing New Online Classes! 'Mini Albums from A to Z with Elena Morgun’

I am so excited to announce the coming start of my new online classes ‘MiniAlbums from A to Z’!
Please, read this post to the end to find the photos of a new mini album and a giveaway!
Classes start on March 31st
Cost: $70
Language: English
As we are welcoming a new season I would like to offer you a discount. To everybody who pays for the class before March 15th the cost is $59 + Bonus! As a gift you will receive a free access to my other online course – ‘The Abundance of Paints’
This way you’ll have a set of classes where I teach how to create different kinds of mini albums (soft cover, handmade paper binding, o-wires and ribbons binding, pages compositions and secret pockets, different styles and techniques) + altered canvas using alcohol inks only for $59! Get yourself an early Easter gift!
Here is some more information about the classes.
'Mini Albums from A to Z with Elena Morgun’ is a set of video step-by-step tutorials. I will be teaching you to create:
- mini albums of different styles (masculine, a mini for kids, multi-layered with Graphic45 papers, fall mini with chipboard accents)
- different kinds of binding (including handmade paper binding)
- pockets, secrets and additional pages
You’ll be learning to create in different styles using different techniques!
These classes take place on my special website: http://www.elenamorgun-classes.com/

To enroll onto the course you need to register at the website (press ‘Log In’ first) and you’ll receive a letter with payment information. Payments are accepted via PayPal. After your payment is confirmed your account will be activated and you will get an access to the classes and to the forums, where you can share your results and get my advice and critique.

The classes also include:
- My ideas on how to buy exactly what you need and not to spend too much money
- How to optimize your creative process to shorten the work time
- A possibility for you to ask any questions and get all the answers
- Step-by-step video tutorial on creating the binding with the pages of a different size
- How to build a harmonious composition and how to work with the color
I will be sharing my experience and teaching you to avoid the mistakes!
The three main albums we are going to study:
You’ll get the access to step-by-step video tutorials after the classes start on March 31st. There are the pre-view of the albums themselves.
Also we will be studying two additional mini albums:
- a star-shaped mini
- a masculine mini created with 7Dots papers
Any time and any day you wish after the classes officially start. You just need to register, pay, log in and start learning! Forums will be available for sharing, advice and comments!

Your level of experience doesn’t matter at all!
How to register
To enroll onto the course you need to register at the website (press ‘Log In’ first) and you’ll receive a letter with payment information. Payments are accepted via PayPal. After your payment is confirmed your account will be activated and you will get an access to the classes and to the forums (but not before March 31st)

Feel free to contact me with any questions at _lenok@ukr.net

Now it’s time to see my new Crate Paper mini album. I am just in love with it!
I used a lot of Sizzix products as well:

And now to those who had the strength to read to the end here is a giveaway! I am offering a free spot at my online classes ‘Mini Albums A to Z’!

To take part you need to:
  • publish a post with the info about this course on your blog and a banner (only blogs, please!)
  • if you own a Facebook or Instagram page, there I will be giving away two more spots, increase your chances! Find me on Facebook and Instagram and follow the guidelines to participate in the giveaways there!
  • Follow my blog
  • Link your post with the information here in InLinkz
  • Come back on March 22nd to learn the name of the lucky one!

8 комментариев:

  1. Лена, тебе подвластен любой стиль и какую бы ты не взяла бумагу, это все равно будет именно твой стиль -узнаваемый, неповторимый и шикарный! А чтобы толком рассмотреть твои альбомы, одного раза мало!))) Невообразимый полет мысли и умение найти для любой детали свое идеальное место!!!

  2. Чудесный альбом! и "переплет" такой интересный :)

  3. Здравствуйте. А у вас пост про розыгрыш один для русскоговорящих, второй для читателей, кто по-русски не говорит? Только в одном посте нужно и можно линки добавить, да?

    1. Света, привет)
      У меня один тренинг на русском языке, второй на англ. Здесь розыгрыш на английском языке и доступ будет именно к этому тренингу)

  4. hi elena i sent to u 2 emails but u dont aswer me U.u, i wanna know how much time i will have to acces to the video clases. thank u

    1. Hello,
      I am sorry with the delay. You will have the access for two years.

  5. I shared on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/dzfollies), my blog (dzfollies.over-blog.net/2016/03/giveaway-mini-albums-from-a-to-z-with -Elena-morgun.html) and instagram (https://www.instagram.com/p/BCs10Z8Ew7Q/?taken-by=dzfollies)
    Thank you for this chance to win this wonderful workshop

  6. Elena I love your work and your talent!!! You are an amazing artist! Thank you so much for the opportunity!!!


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