18 февраля 2014 г.

Light and darkness

Today I want to share with you my new projects for 7 Dots Studio.

Привет всем!) 
Сегодня хочу показать вам мои новые работы для ДК 7 Dots Studio.
Страничка даже без цветиков и почти плоская) 

“The Family Memories”
I often get questions about the sources of my inspiration. In this LO two of them united: the old photo and the 7 Dots Studio Papers. These are the main things from which I draw my inspiration. This photo is very special to me, so to create the LO with it I used the papers, which are also special to me – 7 Dots Studio Dreamer and Domestic Goddess. And, surely, not one of my LOs can do without gesso, modeling paste, stamping, misting and adding a bunch of small details.

7 Dots Studio – Dreamer – Drive All Night
7 Dots Studio – Domestic Goddess – Women’s Talk
7 Dots Studio – 9th Wave – Wavy Ocean
7 Dots Studio – Domestic Goddess – Alpha Stickers 6×12 Salt&Pepper
Right now I am convinced that I like darker colors in my artworks. So in the process of creating light colors of the flowers turned into dark ones and I feel that they look better this way. Maybe in future my preferences will change, but for now dark tones help me make my projects more expressive.

Used pieces of paper from the collections
7 Dots Studio – 9th Wave
7 Dots Studio – Domestic Goddess
7 Dots Studio – Dreamer

А я тем временем болею((( 
Желаю всем не болеть! И приятного творчества)
И заглядывайте в магазин на конфетку!

Have a good day!

11 комментариев:

  1. Лена, выздоравливайте поскорее! Работы изумительные, в вашем стиле. Пожалуй только Вы можете так передать эту атмосферу эпохи. Открытка меня очаровала.

  2. Анонимный2/18/2014 9:57 PM

    Шикарные работы!

  3. Wow! You are incredibly talented! Beautiful work.

  4. великолепные работы! смотрю и не верю, что это могла создать наша девушка... это очень круто!!!!!!!!!

  5. Stunning layout! Love the photo and your vintage feel to the page that encapsulates the time. Thank you for joining us at ScrapFriends.

  6. Gorgeous tribute to family and a special photo. Good thing you use all that media on your pages, it is a work of art! Thanks for playing along with kreative koncepts / Scrap Friends!

  7. Wow! Love it! The LO is amazing and the card...awesome!

  8. Congrats on being Kreative Koncepts top 5! Gorgeous page!


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